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Alexandria Alpine Strawberry Guide

This open pollinated perennial will produce the most delicious tiny strawberries. Alpine strawberries are about twice the size of wild berries but much smaller than standard strawberries. Don’t let the small packaging stop you from sampling the sweet little snacks. These juicy fruits do great in containers!


Alpine strawberries grow best in temperate weather between 65°F-75°F. They do great in containers and small gardens. Bank on Seeds recommends direct seeding.

If Direct Seeding

  • Direct seed outside 4 weeks after last frost date; or
  • Direct seed into a container 8-12 inches deep and wide anytime of the year. It can be placed outside when the temperature is between 65°F-75°F; or

If Transplanting

Begin the growing season early and sow the strawberry seeds indoors a week after the last frost date. Germination is best and fastest between 65°F-75°F. It can be transplanted outside 4 weeks later.

Surface sow seeds 12 inches apart with rows spaced 12 inches apart. Germination will take 10-21 days. Thin seedlings to 12 inches apart when they start competing for space.


Alpine strawberry likes well-draining, light soil free of weeds. They also love full sun and warm weather but can do very well in partial shade. Water regularly to keep the soil lightly moist, not soggy. Check the top 2-3 inches of soil and if it’s dry, then water it. Make sure to water at the base and not from above the plant to prevent rot or disease.

Adding a layer of mulch helps in retaining moisture, regulating temperature, and preventing weed growth. Fertilizer is not required but if you do use one, aged compost or granular fertilizer.


Strawberries start developing in 100 days. Picking often will encourage more growth. Subsequent years, the harvest will get bigger and bigger. Alpine strawberries do not have runners like regular strawberries.


Aphids, squash bug, borer, cucumber beetles – handpick or spray off, neem oil, row cover or plant collar, insecticidal soap

Wilt, mosaic virus, mildew, blossom end rot – crop rotation, ensure enough air flow, keep free of debris

*Companion plant strawberries with beans, melons, beets, peas, radishes and celery. Avoid planting with garlic, fennel, and onions.*

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