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Dwarf Jewel Mix Nasturtium Guide

These flamboyant flowers are large, colorful, and especially edible. Aside from a great garnish on salad or spice for stir-fry, Nasturtiums make excellent companion plants. Best of all these fabulous flowers are easy going, and even said to thrive on    neglect; although we recommend you give these colorful warriors some respect!





Dwarf Jewel nasturtiums grow best in a wide range of weather with temperatures between 55°F-85°F. This dwarf variety does great in containers. Bank on Seeds recommends transplanting.

If Direct Seeding

  • Direct seed outside a week after the last frost date; or
  • Direct seed into a container 10-12 inches deep and wide anytime of the year. It can be placed outside when the temperature is between 55°F-85°F; or

If Transplanting

Begin the growing season early and start the seeds indoors in trays or pods 3-4 weeks before the last frost date. Germination is best and fastest between 60°F-75°F. It can be transplanted outside 5 weeks later.

Sow nasturtium seeds one inch deep and 6-8 inches apart, with rows spaced 12 inches apart. Germination will take 7-10 days.


Nasturtiums are surprisingly hardy and need little care to grow. They like well drained but poor soil. They also like full sun and can tolerate partial shade. Water infrequently - check the top 4-5 inches of soil and if it is dry, then water it. You can let dry fully between watering.

They do not require fertilizer and will produce less flowers if too much is applied. However, if your flowers look like they need a pick me up, any liquid general-purpose fertilizer will work.


Nasturtiums are full grown in 45-52 days. Cut the blooms for a pop of color in your home or keep them in the garden to trap aphids and attract butterflies and bees. Prune the flowers often to promote growth. Nasturtium leaves, flowers and seeds are edible and can be used as garnishes or in salads.


Wilt and leafspot – do not water from overhead, let dry between watering, keep free of weeds.

*Companion plant nasturtiums to cover areas with poor soil, to trap aphids and to deter whiteflies, cucumber beetles and other pests. They also attract ladybugs, and parasitic wasps (they eat pests but don’t sting you). *

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